i'm having some problems building a out of the box mobile project.
i get a compile error where it seems that /usr/lib/libextentions.dylib
does not exist for the Arm 7 platform.
my setup is:
XE6 XCode 6.0.1 iOS8 SDK iOS8 mobile phone
i have followed the guides on the matter (with some modification due to Xcode 6).
any suggestions on how to move forward?
Best Regards
As Remy said... iOS8 isn't supported. Available to Embarcadero customers is a XE7 PA Server hotfix if you have Xcode 6 installed... If XE7 isn't an option, and/or you are on the trial then my best suggestion would be to uninstall XCode 6 and install XCode 5.1.1 ( or install both and point command line tools to 5.1.1 ). Either option, you can not make use of the iOS8 SDK, you have to use the 7.1 SDK.