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Strange issue with System.Web.Mvc losing its reference when checking out of TFS

I'm working with another developer on a project and everything has been working great until today. Now when I check out the solution to my Visual studio 2013, my reference to System.Web.Mvc is lost and I have to manually re-add it.

When I check in and she checks out, the same issue occurs for her. The path to the assembly is the same on both of our machines:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft ASP.NET\ASP.NET MVC 4\Assemblies\System.Web.Mvc.dll

but for whatever reason, we're not in sync. As I said above, it was working great until today so something must've changed...but I have no idea what???

Any suggestions/ideas of what to look for to resolve this?



  • This issue occurred due to a Security update that incremented the version of MVC. So if you had References in your project pointing to the hard drive where the 2.0/ 3.0/ 4.0 version was. Your project was needing that particular version. Another way to solve this is to use Nuget to update references.

    This is a post from Microsoft regarding the issue: