I'd like to use Google Play Game Services for my Simple Hangman game published on Google Play.
I made a game service on Google Play Developer Console(in the U.S.) few months ago and didn't implement it until 2 weeks ago. While I am implementing it(do not know it matters but in South Korea), I received an error message "unexpected response code 403 for https://www.googleapis.com/games/v1/players/" so I tried deleting my previous client ID as here said : Google Play Game Services - unable to sign in
However I cannot re-create new one but received this message: "this client id is globally unique and is already in use" I checked no app is using this SHA-1 key with my package name
I can re-create the Client ID for another app in Google APIs Console but not for my app published. My implementation is working for another SHA1 key, but not for this app.
I saw post someone got helped by someone in Google here: Error when recreating a Client ID for an Android App in the API Console. But there wasn't written the way how.
I want to attach Google Play Game Service really(was going to implement multiplay as well). Can anyone help me please?
my app is this: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pk.utman
We had recently hit a similar problem where we were unable to re-create a ClientID after removing an old one. The error was a simple 'An unexpected error has occurred. We're looking into it'.
We deleted the game from play services (losing all the achievements we had added) and created a new one, but that had the same problem. We created a new app with a different bundle ID and that worked fine. It seemed like the link between the Bundle ID and the SHA1 had put an entry in a table somewhere that prevented a new one being created.
The way we resolved it was to create a new release keystore, which in turn created a new SHA1. This worked fine and we were able to link everything together.
Once an app is released, Google Play will not accept an APK signed with a different keystore, so this solution is for unreleased apps only.