I'm using MGTwitterEngine to add Twitter functionality to my app. It's very easy to simply prompt the user for a username and password and then start posting. Strangely, however, I've noticed other apps (eg Foursquare and Brightkite) require you to visit their website to associate your Twitter account with your foursquare/brightkite/whatever account.
Why do they do it this way?
Is there a reason why my app shouldn't prompt the user for a Twitter username and password, even though it would be so easy?
Thanks a bunch! Tristan
This is because you're using Basic Auth, which is just a username/password. Most new Twitter apps use the more robust OAuth, which requires you to visit Twitter.com to allow access, but does not require a username/password. The Twitter API docs claim that support for Basic Auth will be dropped soon, so you should be using OAuth as well.