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Passing parameters to a custom URI

I have a custom uri like this:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="URL:Demo Protocol"
"URL Protocol"=""




@="\"D:\\demo.bat\" \"%1\" \"%2\" \"%3\" \"%4\""

For running this from the command prompt, I use this command:

D:\demo.bat -ping -ip

But for running the same from browser, if I use the custom URI as Demo: then it is asking me to pass the parameters. I am not aware of how to pass the parameters to the custom URI if I run it form the browser.

How to pass the parameters while running this custom uri from browser? Please advise.


  • When using a custom URL, the entire URL is passed to the registered app/script as a single parameter. Your app/script needs to parse the URL to extract what it needs. For example:

    @="\"D:\\demo.bat\" \"%1\""

    You can format the URL any way you want, as long as it is a valid URL and begins with demo:, eg:

    D:\demo.bat "demo:ping?ip="
    D:\demo.bat "demo:ping="
    D:\demo.bat "demo:ping%20172.18.102.65"

    Update: Note, however, that this only works with Internet Explorer (and Windows Explorer, and the Windows Shell). You need another solution for other browsers. For instance, Firefox has its own Protocol Handler mechanisms:

    Web-based protocol handlers

    Adding a New Protocol to Mozilla

    Writing a Firefox Protocol Handler