I am using eclipse juno -adt tool Eclipse Platform Version: 4.2.1.
i lost all projects from eclipse project explorer .they doesnt have single line of code. all projects in work space folder have 0kb data(user/workplace). is it possible to restore the complete projects from .metdata or work space runtime.
cd ~/Documents/workspace/.metalog/.plugins
rm -rf org.eclipse.core.resources
i have tried above commands but rm is not recognized .how can i setup path for eclipse.. please help me out..
I don't think that you can get it back, ask experts if you still don't get you may try this, there is 50% chance that you may get .java files atleast.
1) Download recuva
2) Open recuva and select All contents.
3) Locate the path to your workspace.
4) "Deep scan" that may take hours, when you get all the deleted data back, extract .java, .xml files from them.
5) Create a new workspace and add those files, and you can reprogram Manifist files manually. (If you are working on android)