I made a small research on web and reviewed related topics on this site, but the answers were contradictory: some people said it is not possible, others said it is possible, but dangerous.
The goal is to pass an object of the anonymous class as a parameter of the RMI method. Due to RMI requirements, this class must be serializable. Here's no problem, it is easy to make class Serializable.
But we know that instances of inner classes hold a reference to an outer class (and anonymous classes are inner classes). Because of this, when we serialize instance of inner class, instance of outer class is serialized as well as a field. Here's the place where problems come: outer class is not serializable, and what's more important - I do not want to serialize it. What I want to do is just to send instance of the anonymous class.
Easy example - this is an RMI service with a method that accepts Runnable:
public interface RPCService {
Object call(SerializableRunnable runnable);
And here is how I'd like to call the method
void call() {
myRpcService.call(new SerializableRunnable() {
public Object run {
System.out.println("It worked!");
As you can see, what I want to do is to send an "action" to the other side - system A describes the code, that should be run on system B. It is like sending a script in Java.
I can easily see some dangerous consequences, if this was possible: for example if we access a field or captured final variable of outer class from Runnable - we'll get into a trouble, because caller instance is not present. On the other hand, if I use safe code in my Runnable (compiler can check it), then I don't see reasons to forbid this action.
So if someone knows, how writeObject()
and readObject()
methods should be properly overriden in anonymous class OR how to make reference to outer class transient
OR explain why it is impossible in java, it will be very helpful.
Yet another important thing to consider: outer class is not present in the environment that will execute the method (system B), that's why information about it should be fully excluded to avoid NoClassDefFoundError
You could try making Caller.call()
a static
However, the anonymous class would still need to be available in the context in which you deserialize the serialized instance. That is unavoidable.
(It is hard to imagine a situation where the anonymous class would be available but the enclosing class isn't.)
So, if someone can show, how I can properly override writeObject and readObject methods in my anonymous class ...
If you make Caller.call()
static, then you would do this just like you would if it was a named class, I think. (I'm sure you can find examples of that for yourself.)
Indeed, (modulo the anonymous class availability issue) it works. Here, the static main
method substitutes for a static Classer.call()
method. The program compiles and runs, showing that an anonymous class declared in a static method can be serialized and deserialized.
import java.io.*;
public class Bar {
private interface Foo extends Runnable, Serializable {}
public static void main (String[] args)
throws InterruptedException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
Runnable foo = new Foo() {
public void run() {
Thread t = new Thread(foo);
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(baos);
Foo foofoo = (Foo) new ObjectInputStream(
new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray())).readObject();
t = new Thread(foofoo);
Another important thing to remember about: the
class is not present in the environment, that executes the method, so I'd like to exclude all information about it during serialization to avoidNoClassDefFoundError
There is no way to avoid that. The reason that deserialization in the remote JVM is complaining is that the class descriptor includes a reference to the outer class. The deserializing side needs to resolve that reference even if you managed to clobber the reference, and even if you never explicitly or implicitly used the synthetic variable in the deserialized object.
The problem is that the remote JVM's classloader needs to know the type of the outer class when it loads the classfile for the inner class. It is needed for verification. It is needed for reflection. It is needed by the garbage collector.
There is no workaround.
(I'm not sure if this also applies to a static
inner class ... but I suspect that it does.)
Attempting to serialize anonymous Runnable instance without outer class refers not only to a serialization problem, but to a possibility of arbitrary code execution in another environment. It would be nice to see a JLS reference, describing this question.
There is no JLS reference for this. Serialization and classloaders are not specified in the JLS. (Class initialization is ... but that is a different issue.)
It is possible to run arbitrary code on a remote system via RMI. However you need to implement RMI dynamic class loading to achieve this. Here is a reference:
Note that adding dynamic class loading for remote classes to RMI introduces significant security issues. And you have to consider issues like classloader leaks.