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Detect Graphical Regions in an Image on a Web Page

I've been beating around the bush a lot, so I'll explain my problem here and hope with the whole picture, somebody has some ideas. With the following image:

Model with Regions

I need to detect a mouseover on the blobs over her eyes and mouth, and solve this problem in a general form. The model and blobs are on two different layers, so I can produce one image with only the blobs, and one with only the model, and somehow synchronise a virtual cursor over the blobs while it actually hovers over the model.

I can also make the blobs polygons, for hit testing, but I think a colour hit test would be much easier. If I hit blue, I am on her mouth and I show lipstick images; if I hit pink, I'm over her eyes, and display eye makeup images.

What are the suggestions and conversation of the learned ones here?


  • The simpler way to do it would be to load the layer image in a canvas, then get all its pixel data. When the mouse is hovering the model image, find out what color is currently selected and if it is different from a previous one, trigger an event to indicate that the selection has changed.

    Here is an example, feel free to toy with it; but be aware that it doesn't handle all cases:

    • what if the layer and the model image are not the same size
    • what if the layer and the model image are not the same width/height ratio
    • what if you want to use some alpha channel (the example doesn't take it into account)

    $(function() {
      /* we load all the image data first */
      var imageData = null;
      var layerImage = new Image();
      layerImage.onload = function() {
        var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
        canvas.width = this.width;
        canvas.height = this.height;
        context = canvas.getContext('2d');
        context.drawImage(this, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
        imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height).data;
      /* it's easier to set the image data for example as base64 data */
      var pColor = null;
      /* on mouse over the model image */
      $("#model").mousemove(function(event) {
        /* we correct the offset */
        var offset = $(this).offset();
        var relX = event.pageX - offset.left;
        var relY = event.pageY - Math.round(;
        /* and get the pixel values at this place (note we are not keeping the alpha channel; it's your decision whether or not it is valuable */
        var pixelIndex = relY * layerImage.width + relX;
        var dataIndex = pixelIndex * 4;
        var color = [imageData[dataIndex], imageData[dataIndex + 1], imageData[dataIndex + 2]];
        if (pColor == null) {
          /* we trigger when first entering the image */
          $(this).trigger("newColor", {
            message: "Initial layer color",
            data: color
        } else if (pColor[0] != color[0] || pColor[1] != color[1] || pColor[2] != color[2]) {
          /* we trigger if the new position is a new color in the layer image */
          $(this).trigger("newColor", {
            message: "Changed layer color",
            data: color
        pColor = color;
      /* some small help to convert rgb to css colors */
      function rgb2hex(red, green, blue) {
        var rgb = blue | (green << 8) | (red << 16);
        return '#' + (0x1000000 + rgb).toString(16).slice(1)
      /* there you have the new layer color event management; for the example sake we change the color of some text */
      $("#model").on("newColor", function(event, eventData) {
        $("#selector").css("color", rgb2hex([0],[1],[2]));
    img {
      border: 1px solid silver
    <script src=""></script>
      <h4>Model image</h4>
      <img id="model" src="data:image/png;base64, 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"
      <p>You are pointing at some <strong><span id="selector">color</span></strong>
      <h4>Layer image (reference only, not displayed in page)</h4>