I have a UIView
with bounds (w, h) and I am trying to calculate angles and point on a ellipse which is centred at view's mid point i.e. centre is (w * 0.5, h * 0.5). I continuously change the size of view and ellipse so following values are from console for a instance of values.
For this instance, (w, h) = (150.000000, 300.799988) and radii are (rx, ry) = (52.500000, 105.279999)
Now, I try to find angle of point P1(x,y)
(30.784275, 93.637390) on this ellipse using following code:
CGFloat angle = atan2((y - (h * 0.5)), (x - (w * 0.5)));
if (angle < 0)
angle += 2 * M_PI;
The angle value I get is 4.050611
Since I was not getting my desired output I just tried to find the point on ellipse from above angle using code below:
framePoint.x = (w * 0.5) + (rx * cosf(angle));
framePoint.y = (h * 0.5) + (ry * sinf(angle));
And surprisingly I got point as (42.737656,67.344543).
I just went ahead and did one more iteration of same process. I calculated angle from above point and got angle as 4.341885 and new point from this latest angle as (55.990501,52.263786).
I know something is wrong with my calculation formulas but I am not able to pin point it.
Also if above ellipse is a circle i.e. when rx = ry, all the points and angle are equal. So it kind of work for circle but not for ellipse.
So, I want to know exactly where I went wrong.
yes now I see it what you mean
You are obtaining E
angle from ellipse via E=atan2(...)
and using it in equation where you need M
angle x=x0+rx*cos(M), y=...
It is analogy to Kepler's equation luckily for you you do not need to match speeds around main focus point so In order to obtain the M
scale one axis to convert ellipse to circle
compute the angle there
so if your axis aligned ellipse is (x0,y0,rx,ry)
and input point on ellipse is (x1,y1)
then if I am not mistaken it should be like this:
compute your point using M
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