I have a module FDParser
that reads a csv file and returns a nice array of hashes that each look like this:
:name_of_investment => "Zenith Birla",
:type => "half-yearly interest",
:folio_no => "52357",
:principal_amount => "150000",
:date_of_commencement => "14/05/2010",
:period => "3 years",
:rate_of_interest => "11.25"
Now I have an Investment
class that accepts the above hash as input and transforms each attribute according to what I need.
class Investment
attr_reader :name_of_investment, :type, :folio_no,
:principal_amount, :date_of_commencement,
:period, :rate_of_interest
def initialize(hash_data)
@name = hash_data[:name_of_investment]
@type = hash_data[:type]
@folio_no = hash_data[:folio_no]
@initial_deposit = hash_data[:principal_amount]
@started_on =hash_data[:date_of_commencement]
@term = hash_data[:period]
@rate_of_interest = hash_data[:rate_of_interest]
def type
#-- custom transformation here
I also have a Porfolio
class with which I wish to manage a collection of investment
objects. Here is what the Portfolio
class looks like:
class Portfolio
include Enumerable
attr_reader :investments
def initialize(investments)
@investments = investments
def each &block
@investments.each do |investment|
if block_given?
block.call investment
yield investment
Now what I want is to loop over the investment_data
yielded by the module and dynamically create instances of the investment class and then send those instances as input to the Portfolio
So far I tried:
FDParser.investment_data.each_with_index do |data, index|
"inv#{index+1}" = Investment.new(data)
But obviously this doesn't work because I get a string instead of an object instance. What is the right way to send a collection of instances to a enumerable collection class that can then manage them?
I'm not sure what "send as input to the Portfolio
class" means; classes themselves don't accept "input". But if you're just trying to add Investment
objects to the @investments
instance variable inside an instance of Portfolio
, try this:
portfolio = Portfolio.new([])
FDParser.investment_data.each do |data|
portfolio.investments << Investment.new(data)
Note that the array literal []
and the return value of portfolio.investments
point to the self-same Array object here. This means you could equivalently do this, which arguably is a little clearer:
investments = []
FDParser.investment_data.each do |data|
investments << Investment.new(data)
And if you want to play a little code golf, it shrinks further if you use map
investments = FDParser.investment_data.map {|data| Investment.new(data) }
I think this is a little harder to read than the previous option, though.