firstly :It's my first Question here then sry if the code synthax isn't easy to read, Don't find a way to make it clean.
I'm trying to fill my big PDF template, which I made with Adobe Creator.
FPDM works fine with the template.php which is include in the fpdm lib but this error appear when I change the PDF template to mine, after been pass throught pdftk.
FPDF-Merge Error: Cannot find current Value (/v) for annotation object 288, Something goes wrong during parsing (uncompress your pdf and retry) or your pdf is corrupted.
I don't find any subject about this issue on the internet.
The error comes from my PDF Template, cause of his encoded way. I saw after opening my PDF in my Text Editor that the object 288 (and others) haven't got /v attribute, as the error suggest. Then I suppose that the encode way isn't the one which are waiting for by FPDM. Before to use pdftk it the error was : "PDF is empty" something like that.
define('DRUPAL_ROOT', getcwd()); include_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/'; drupal_bootstrap(DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_FULL); // #1 shouldn't be necessary require_once 'fpdf/src/fpdf.php'; require_once 'fpdf/examples/form_filling/fpdm.php'; // To be used after test win $sid = '58'; $node = new stdClass(); $node->nid = '270'; $temp_submission = webform_menu_submission_load($sid, $node->nid); // NOM is the first field id of my Template PDF. $fields = array( 'NOM' => 'My name' ); $pdf = new FPDM('Dossier_de_candidature_2ndaire_2014_adaptev1_fpdf.pdf'); $pdf->Load($fields, TRUE); $pdf->Merge(); $pdf->Output('formulaire.pdf', 'D'); ?>
Thanks you !
And I WIN !
I finally chose to forget FPDF and directly make my own system, which is simply what FPDF do I think. Don't worry that isn't difficult at all.
Have a look on this website, just understand how work fdf to fill pdf template (mapping) and.. do it :)
STEP 1 : Create a FDF content in PhP
/* A FDF content empy */
$xfdf_head = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><xfdf xmlns="" xml:space="preserve"><fields>';
$xml_data = '';
$xfdf_end = '</fields></xfdf>';
/* Generate all fields with field_key form webform and value form submission */
foreach ($webform['#node']->webform['components'] as $key => $value) {
if ($webform['#submission']->data[$key]['value'][0]){
$valeur = $webform['#submission']->data[$key]['value'][0];
} else {
$valeur = '';
$xml_data .= '
<field name="'.$webform['#node']->webform['components'][$key]['form_key'].'">
$FDF_content = $xfdf_head.$xml_data.$xfdf_end;
STEP 2 : Create a FDF FILE and write your content in it
$FDF_file = fopen('new_fdf.fdf', 'w');
fwrite($FDF_file, $FDF_content);
STEP 3 : Use PDFTK command in Php (check website upside) [fill these 2 var before..]
$pdftk_command = '/usr/bin/pdftk '. $pdf_template .' fill_form new_fdf.fdf output '.$new_fillup_pdf;
STEP 4 : Force download or Open the new PDF in PHP. (I let you find how, that's easy)