If I use an int array as my bitmap, the size I allocate will be (1<<28)/32 right? because int is 32 bits...? And if I want to calloc this space before any functions are called, do I have to do anything special? Edit
I am trying to use calloc to have a bit array where I am able to check and set bits at that array location.
my attempt:
int bitmap[] = calloc(1<<28, 1);
int bitmap[] = (int*) calloc(1<<28, 1);
I am not sure what type the bitmap is or what to cast calloc to...
Any help would be appreciated!
You can't work directly with a "bit array" in C. You need to use masking / bitshift operators to access individual bits in larger units (at least an 8-bit char
Also, the correct syntax for what you're attempting is:
int *bitmap = calloc(1<<28, sizeof(int));
which will allocate an array of (1<<28) int
Access them like this:
int i;
for (i = 0; i < (1<<28); ++i) {
bitmap[i] = ...