Search code examples

Why does an aggregated calculated member yield the same result irrespective of the measures in the SELECT statement?

When I create a calculated member using the AGGREGATE function why does the value in Axis 0 (where MEASURE is selected) stay the same, irrespective of whichever MEASURE is used.

Definition of calculated member

WITH MEMBER [Date].Year.x2010 AS
    [Date].Year.&[2010] * {[Client].[Client Number].&[000058]}
    , [Measures].[Claim As Of - Count]
  {[Measures].[Claim As Of - Count], [Measures].[Incurred Amount % of Total As Of - Avg]} ON 0,
  {[Date].[Year].[x2010],[Date].[Year].[2010]}  ON 1
FROM [AW Cube]


enter image description here

For the regular member the output changes with differnt measures, but for the calculated member, it doesn't.


  • The calculated value x2010 does not depend on the 'current' Measures because it is explicitly saying to use [Claim As Of - Count]. As FrankPI suggested removing the Measures from the formula should solve the issue.