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JSDoc3 with Dojo and AMD

I am trying to get my JS documentation right. I am using Dojo, and some other complicated framework built on top of it, I will spare the details. The point is that this framework is using AMD modules. I want my JSDoc to work.

Here is what I have so far:

 * Creates a button instance that launches a document entry template selector
 * @module widgets/instance/AddButton
], function (_TemplatedMixin, _WidgetBase, declare, lang, on, request, AddContentDialog) {
    return declare('AddButton', [_WidgetBase, _TemplatedMixin], /** @lends module:widgets/instance/AddButton */{
        id: 'add-button',
        contentList: null,
        templateString: '<button class="btn btn-link toolbar-link"><i class="fa fa-lg fa-file"></i> Add Document</button>',
        addContentItem: null,
        type: null,
         * @constructs
         * @param args
         * @param args.type {string} The type of content item
         * @param args.contentList {ContentList} The instance of [ContentList]{@link module:widgets/contentList/ContentList} in scope
        constructor: function (args) {
            declare.safeMixin(this, args);
         * @private
        postCreate: function () {
            console.log("creating the add content button...");
            this.addContentItem = new AddContentDialog({
                repository: request.repository(),
                hasCase: false
            this.own(on(this.domNode, 'click', lang.hitch(this, 'show')));
         * @public
        show: function () {
            request.inboundFolder().then(lang.hitch(this, function (folder) {
                this.addContentItem.showAddDocument(null, folder);

The result: enter image description here

This result is not bad. But it infers that my members are static. WebStorm seem to infer them correctly as members, but the jsdoc3 generator does not. From what I read, I should not have to specify @memberof as @lends should be taking care of that. Is there anything that I am doing wrong? Any general recommendation would be appreciated. I read the JSDoc3 documentation, but a lot of constructs seem blurry when adding AMD to the equation.


  • You need to lend instance properties to the prototype, not the object itself: @lends module:widgets/instance/AddButton#. Note the # at the end, which is a shorthand for .prototype.

    Also note that jsdoc3 has had quite a few bugs related to its handling of non-CommonJS modules, so you may need to do extra hacky stuff to make it work correctly.