I am trying to change background color of div. Mine html code is below:
<div ng-style="{'background-color': backgroundImageInfo}">
<input type="file" onchange="angular.element(this).scope().fileThatChangeBackground(this)" />
Mine js code inside controller:
$scope.fileThatChangeBackground = function() {
First line of controller change background color to red. When i am set file to input alert show 'red' and did not change background color to blue. When i change file of input(fire function) alert show 'blue' and again did not change background color. Why ng-style dont change color when i change value from function?
Since you're calling the fileThatChangeBackground
function from outside Angular, you will need to do $scope.$apply
if you want this to work. Like this:
.controller('testCtrllr', function($scope){
$scope.fileThatChangeBackground = function(scope) {