Search code examples

ORA-00911: invalid character on oracle, but works with H2

I have the following SQL command, it works with H2 database, but when i try to run it on Oracle XE, it gets the " ORA-00911: invalid character " error.

create table EMPLOYEE (
EMPLOYEE_KEY       NUMBER(10) not null,
SALARY             NUMBER(10,2),
LAST_NAME          VARCHAR2(132),
FIRST_NAME         VARCHAR2(132),
constraint EMPLOYEE_PK primary key (EMPLOYEE_KEY)
create unique index EMPLOYEE_PK on EMPLOYEE(EMPLOYEE_KEY);


  • With this example, when you created the primary key constraint, you also created an index with the same name as the index you are trying to create, EMPLOYEE_PK.

    Tom Kytes states on his ask tom site:

    A primary key or unique constraint is not guaranteed to create a new index, nor is the index they create guaranteed to be a unique index. Therefore, if you desire a unique index to be created for query performance issues, you should explicitly create one.

    Oddly, enough when I run your DDL, I receive the ORA-00955 error and not the ORA-00911 (invalid character error).

    Often times the ORA-00911 error occurs when one is copying from one editor to another and you copy some non-printable characters.

    Below, I ran the first DDL statement provided and then I checked the indices created. If you look closely, you will see that EMPLOYEE_PK index was created as a consequence of the primary key constraint which you created.

        SCOTT@dev> create table EMPLOYEE (
          2  EMPLOYEE_KEY       NUMBER(10) not null,
          3  SALARY             NUMBER(10,2),
          4  LAST_NAME          VARCHAR2(132),
          5  FIRST_NAME         VARCHAR2(132),
          6  SUPERVISOR_KEY     NUMBER(10),
          7  constraint EMPLOYEE_PK primary key (EMPLOYEE_KEY)
          8  );
        Table created.
        SCOTT@dev> SELECT ind.index_name,
      2    ind.index_type,
      3    ind.table_owner,
      4    ind.table_name
      5  FROM all_indexes ind
      6  JOIN all_ind_columns icol
      7  ON ind.owner       = icol.index_owner
      8  AND ind.table_name = icol.table_name
      9  AND ind.index_name = icol.index_name
     10  WHERE 1            = 1
     11  AND ind.table_name = 'EMPLOYEE'
     12  /
        INDEX_NAME                     INDEX_TYPE                  TABLE_OWNER                    TABLE_NAME
        ============================== =========================== ============================== ==============================
        EMPLOYEE_PK                    NORMAL                      SCOTT                          EMPLOYEE

    If you desire to create a unique index on EMPLOYEE_KEY separately, a number of approaches could be taken. Here is one:

        --create the table
        SCOTT@dev> create table EMPLOYEE (
          2  EMPLOYEE_KEY       NUMBER(10) not null,
          3  SALARY             NUMBER(10,2),
          4  LAST_NAME          VARCHAR2(132),
          5  FIRST_NAME         VARCHAR2(132),
          6  SUPERVISOR_KEY     NUMBER(10)
          7  );
        Table created.
        --create the unique index
        Index created.
        --add the primary key
        SCOTT@dev> alter table EMPLOYEE add
          2  constraint EMPLOYEE_PK primary key (EMPLOYEE_KEY)
          3  /
        Table altered.
    SCOTT@dev> SELECT ind.index_name,
      2    ind.index_type,
      3    ind.table_owner,
      4    ind.table_name
      5  FROM all_indexes ind
      6  JOIN all_ind_columns icol
      7  ON ind.owner       = icol.index_owner
      8  AND ind.table_name = icol.table_name
      9  AND ind.index_name = icol.index_name
     10  WHERE 1            = 1
     11  AND ind.table_name = 'EMPLOYEE'
     12  /
        INDEX_NAME                     INDEX_TYPE                  TABLE_OWNER                    TABLE_NAME
        ============================== =========================== ============================== ==============================
        EMPLOYEE_PK                    NORMAL                      SCOTT                          EMPLOYEE
     SCOTT@dev> SELECT cons.constraint_name
      2  FROM all_constraints cons
      3  JOIN all_cons_columns conc
      4  ON conc.table_name       = 'EMPLOYEE'
      5  AND cons.owner           = conc.owner
      6  AND cons.table_name      = conc.table_name
      7  WHERE 1                  = 1
      8  AND cons.constraint_name = conc.constraint_name
      9  /