I'm trying to find which market doesn't have which product according to visit date.
In order to do this I thought if I give all products to all markets there will be null
dates because there will be no visit for that product for the market. To see
all products in the market I wrote a query :
SELECT id, p.ProductName FROM atb_markets
(SELECT StokAd FROM atb_products) p
and I got this kind of a view:
MarketId productName
1 a
1 b
1 c
1 d
1 e
1 f
2 a
2 b
2 c
2 d
2 e
. .
. .
By the way these all are different tables (atb_markets
, atb_products
) and dates are saving on the outformmobiledata
table. This table holds each record for the markets. marketId
, productId
and date
is holding on this table (date information comes from mobile devices). Because of I need productName
I need atb_products
table also.
Finally I need this view by using these three tables. If I get null
values I can know which products don't exists on a market.
And this is the view I need:
date MarketId productName
01.12.2013 1 a
11.12.2013 1 b
NULL 1 c
04.12.2013 1 d
20.12.2013 1 e
05.12.2013 1 f
06.12.2013 2 a
NULL 2 b
NULL 2 c
12.12.2013 2 d
NULL 2 e
. . .
. . .
**As you see in the second table market_number1
never had product c
for outformmobiledata
SELECT d.date, m.id, p.ProductName
FROM atb_markets m
CROSS JOIN atb_products p
LEFT OUTER JOIN outformmobiledata d
ON d.marketId = m.id
AND d.productId = p.id
ORDER BY m.id, p.ProductName