I'm importing data from a csv using BIDS [SQL Server 2008r2]. I need to convert hh:mm:ss to numeric to be imported into SQL Server. For example
00:01:05 = 65
Current Steps:
The conversion looks like this.
Making the assumption that you are talking about SQL Server Integration Services, you can accomplish this via a Derived Column Transformation.
Drag a Derived Column Transformation into your data flow pipeline, and connect the source.
Open it up and add a new field, giving it a name and selecting <add as new column>
. Paste the following formula into the Expression box, replacing 'SrcTime' with the name of your field: this expression will convert the time field into decimal minutes (e.g., 01:01:30 becomes 61.5)
(DT_NUMERIC,6,2)(((DT_I4)LEFT(SrcTime,2) * 60) +
((DT_I4)SUBSTRING(SrcTime,4,2)) +
((DT_NUMERIC,4,2)RIGHT(SrcTime,2) / 60))
EDIT: if you need it in seconds, not minutes (01:01:30 becomes 3690.00), you could alter the formula to be:
(DT_NUMERIC,10,2)(((DT_I4)LEFT(SrcTime,2) * 3600) +
((DT_I4)SUBSTRING(SrcTime,4,2) * 60 ) +
EDIT AGAIN: Based on your version, the LEFT()
function is not available in the Expression Editor. Use this formula instead:
(DT_NUMERIC,10,2)(((DT_I4)SUBSTRING([TALK TIME],1,2) * 3600) +
((DT_I4)SUBSTRING([TALK TIME],4,2) * 60) +
This will add a new column to your pipeline, with the name you gave it in 'Derived Column Name', which will have the correct format.