I have the following:
<select class="input-lg form-control" ng-model="selections[$index]" name="potsel" ng-options="selection.sel._id as selection.sel.name for selection in pot.selections" required ng-disabled="clicked">
I have 4 dropdowns being created, and this returns to me a $scope as follows (on submit):
$scope.selections = ["id1", "id2", "id3", "id4"]
Ideally, I'd like it look like this:
$scope.selections = [{"dropdown1":"id1"},{"dropdown2":"id2"},{"dropdown3":"id3"},{"dropdown4":"id4"}]
Note that "dropdown#" can be retrieved in the html by using "pot._id".
Been a while looking at this, and I can't see anywhere in ngOptions to define this. Any help please?
Thank you.
while you can do this directly in html, you can surely do this in js
ng-change="selectionObj[$index] = {} ; selectionObj[$index][pot._id] = selections[$index]"
or you can create a function, which will do above ng-change=addObject($index, pot._id, selections[$index])
$scope.addObject = function(index, key, value) {
$scope.selectionObj[$index] = { key : value };
sorry, replace $index with index.
var obj = {};
obj[key] = value;
$scope.selectionObj[index] = obj;
console.log(key, value);