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Backbone.js MEAN Stack equivalent

I know a couple of projects out there like or meanjs, or even yeoman generators where all the necessary boilerplate stuff when you are going to develop under MEAN stack it's done for you.

The truth is that MEAN stack has been closely coupled with Angular.js and there is no project that do the same with Backbone.js and I'm very surprised with that, I believe it is a very common stack the combination of Mongodb, Express, Backbone and friends like Require.js or Marionette.js.

I've been poking around with that, trying to mix backbone and express yeoman generators, building a skeleton from other people projects but I still keep thinking there has to be a better approach to do that.

I would appreciate it to you guys sharing your experience to figure out what I am missing here.

So the question is: Which are the common practices and tips do you use for starting a full stack "MEBN" (Mongodb, Express and Backbone) project from scratch?

Thanks to all of you!!


  • Wouldn't it be MEBN? :D

    You may have a look at Backbone Boilerplate (BBB):

    It uses node to serve the local application, so there you have a start. ;)

    Basically you could also grab a MEAN example, strip Angular out and mix Backbone in. The server (Nodejs) part will be the same (controllers, REST API, JSON format for data exchange), but you'll use Backbone Models and Collections to interact with the API, and Views for UI.