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How can I programatically pin an item that displays a jump list to the start menu in WIN7

I want to add an item to the start menu to display a list of applications that the user can launch. Kind of like a custom menu. I got the WIN API code pack and understand that I can use a jump list for the popup menu part. Not sure how I can pin something to the start menu though. I'm looking for something along the lines of what IE displays.


  • Was able to accomplish this using Shell32 library.

    public static class VerbNames{
        public static string PinToStartMenu = "Pin to Start Men&u";
        public static string UnpinFromStartMenu = "Unpin from Start Men&u";
        public static string PinToTaskbar = "Pin to Tas&kbar";
        public static string UnpinFromTaskbar = "Unpin from Tas&kbar";
    public static class DesktopUtil {
        public static void PinItemToStartMenu(string itemPath, string itemName) {
            DoItemVerb(itemPath, itemName, VerbNames.PinToStartMenu);
        public static void UnpinItemFromStartMenu(string itemPath, string itemName) {
            DoItemVerb(itemPath, itemName, VerbNames.UnpinFromStartMenu);
        public static void PinItemToTaskbar(string itemPath, string itemName) {
            DoItemVerb(itemPath, itemName, VerbNames.PinToTaskbar);
        public static void UnpinItemFromTaskbar(string itemPath, string itemName) {
            DoItemVerb(itemPath, itemName, VerbNames.UnpinFromTaskbar);
        private static void DoItemVerb(string itemPath, string itemName, string verb) {
            Shell32.Shell shell = new Shell32.Shell();
            Shell32.Folder folder = shell.NameSpace(itemPath);
            Shell32.FolderItem item = folder.ParseName(itemName);
            DoItemVerb(item, verb);
        private static void DoItemVerb(Shell32.FolderItem item, string verbToDo) {
            Shell32.FolderItemVerbs verbs = item.Verbs();
            foreach (Shell32.FolderItemVerb verb in verbs) {
                if (verb.Name.Equals(verbToDo)) {