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How to convert parts of a header to subscript in XAML?

In the following line I am having trouble with converting the number 2 in the header to subscript:

<telerik:GridViewDataColumn Header="H2O" Width="50" DataMemberBinding="{Binding SSE, Mode=OneWay}" IsReadOnly="True" />

How can i do this in xaml?

I know there is a lot of examples out there but i couldnt get anything to work in my case.


  • Put TextBlock in your Header and concatenate text from 3 element where one is Run with BaselineAlignment="Subscript"

    <telerik:GridViewDataColumn Width="50" DataMemberBinding="{Binding SSE, Mode=OneWay}" IsReadOnly="True">
                H<Run BaselineAlignment="Subscript" FontSize="10">2</Run>O