I have a data structure that has been defined like this:
my @columns = (
db => 'location',
dt => 'location',
search => 'location',
db => 'name',
dt => 'name',
search => 'name',
db => 'iqs',
dt => 'iqs',
I am mapping the values of search like so:
@where = map +{ $_->{search} => { like => "\%$global_search\%" } }, @columns;
If the key search does not exist, I end up with a data structure that has a bunch of these:
'' => {
'like' => '%pas%'
And that completely screws up what I am trying to do. So, I am wondering, since map isn't technically a loop, how can I skip when the key search does not exist?
Someone below had asked about performance differences between map vs loop, and this piqued my curiosity, so I decided to test it myself. Here are the results:
The Code
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Benchmark qw/cmpthese timethese/;
my $global_search = 'test';
my @columns;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= 100000; $i++ ) {
my $hash = {
db => "test$i",
dt => "test$i",
search => "test$i"
push @columns, $hash;
timethese(-30, {
mapBuild => sub {
my @where = map {
exists ($_->{search})
? +{ $_->{search} => { like => "\%$global_search\%" } }
: ()
} @columns;
forBuild => sub {
my @where;
foreach (@columns) {
if (exists $_->{search}) {
push @where, +{ $_->{search} => { like => "\%$global_search\%" } } ;
cmpthese(-30, {
mapBuild => sub {
my @where = map {
exists ($_->{search})
? +{ $_->{search} => { like => "\%$global_search\%" } }
: ()
} @columns;
forBuild => sub {
my @where;
foreach (@columns) {
if (exists $_->{search}) {
push @where, +{ $_->{search} => { like => "\%$global_search\%" } } ;
The Results
Benchmark: running forBuild, mapBuild for at least 30 CPU seconds...
forBuild: 32 wallclock secs (31.66 usr + 0.00 sys = 31.66 CPU) @ 980.35/s (n=31038) mapBuild: 31 wallclock secs (31.58 usr + 0.00 sys = 31.58 CPU) @ 994.21/s (n=31397) Rate forBuild mapBuild forBuild 978/s -- -2% mapBuild 993/s 2% --
The block passed to map
gets called in list context, so it can return an empty list:
@where = map {
exists ($_->{search})
? +{ $_->{search} => { like => "\%$global_search\%" } }
: ()
} @columns;
Or you could just grep
@where =
map +{ $_->{search} => { like => "\%$global_search\%" } },
grep exists($_->{search}),