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Excel: How to open the Data Entry form from VBA?

There is a built-in data entry form in Excel. I have added a shortcut to this and its quite good. It has a few little issues (i.e. it depends what cell you have selected as to what data it fills in the form).

So I want to wrap it up into a macro and add my own button. My little macro will select the appropriate cell. So the question is, using VBA, how do you call the build-in Data Entry form?


Seems my question is not clear... so here is some more:

There is a built-in data entry form that you can use, see here: Built-in Data Entry Form

I want to open this form using excel VBA, like this:

Sub OpenTheBuiltinDataEntryForm()
    ' Add code here to open the built-in data entry form...    
End Sub


  • The line you are looking for is:


    but note that your data table must begin within A1:B2 or be named Database or you will get an error.