im using linux with gedit which has the wonderful habit of creating a temp file with a tilde at the end for every file I edit.
im trying to move all of these files at once to a different folder using the following:
find . -iname “*.php~” -exec mv {} /mydir \;
However, its now giving me syntax errors, as if it were searching through each file and trying to move the piece of text. I just want to move all of the files ending in .php~ to another directory. Any idea how I do that?
Cheers Ke
Try this one-liner:
for D in `find . -iname "*.php~"`; do mv ${D} /mydir; done
For future reference, if you go into Edit > Preferences > Editor Tab, there is checkbox for "Create a backup copy of files before saving" That is the guy responsible for creating the tilde version.