I am trying to copy some files based on extensions. My target is to copy everything except the extensions that are in my ext_to_avoid
variable. However, I am failing miserably as it copies the .py files which I don't want to. I know that endswith requires 1-D variable or tuple to work.
Part of my script is given below:
x = os.getcwd()
ext_to_avoid = (".xml", ".bat", ".py", ".txt");
list_of_files_to_copy = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(x):
for name in files:
if not any([name.endswith(x) for x in ext_to_avoid]):
I am not sure what's wrong with it. Could anyone point me to the right direction?
Kindest Reagrds,
You have many file extensions to check against. Since the function "endswith
" accepts a single string as an argument, given a single name
you need to test it against each ext
matches = False
for ext in ext_to_avoid:
if name.lower().endswith(ext):
matches = True
if not matches:
# ...
A simpler one liner can be:
if not any([name.lower().endswith(ext) for ext in ext_to_avoid]):
# ...
EDIT: Well, it seems that str.endswith
will also accepts a tuple
. Meaning that your original code was correct; try checking agains lowercase always:
if not name.lower().endswith(ext_to_avoid):
# ...