Search code examples

Ng-table is not filtering or sorting after getting filtered from a grouped data

I am learning angular.js and new to use ng-table directive. I am grouping my data and then showing them using ng-table. I am able to view the filtered data but I am not able to do sort or filtering. Can someone please help me with this. Here is the plunker code. Thank you!

I am using ng-table from line number 112-->

{{sample.Field1}} {{sample.Field4}} {{sample.Field5}} {{sample.Field6}} {{sample.Field7}} {{sample.Field8}} {{sample.Field9}}

in the script.js file the code

$scope.setCurrentSample = function(
                            options) {

                            $scope.homeview = false;
                            $scope.showdetail = false;
                            $scope.drilldown = true;

                            console.log("optionsxx = " + options.Field1);
                            $scope.myCurrentSample = _(

                            var data1 = $scope.myCurrentSample;

                            $scope['test_ngtable'] = new ngTableParams({
                                page: 1, // show first page
                                count: 10, // count per page
                                filter: {
                                    Field5: 'TRUE' // initial filter
                                sorting: {
                                    Field1: 'asc' // initial sorting
                            }, {
                                total: data1.length, // length of data
                                getData: function($defer, params) {
                                    console.log("total = " + data1.length);
                                    // use build-in angular filter
                                    var filteredData = params.filter() ?
                                        $filter('filter')(data1, params.filter()) :
                                    var orderedData = params.sorting() ?
                                        $filter('orderBy')(filteredData, params.orderBy()) :
                                    console.log("order by " + params.orderBy());
                          ; // set total for recalc pagination
                                    $defer.resolve(orderedData.slice(( - 1) * params.count(), * params.count()));



  • <tr ng-repeat="sample in myCurrentSample | filter:search ">

    first you need to replace with this

     <tr ng-repeat="sample in $data | filter:search ">

    The ngTable directive working with $data variable ,look example.


    i tried with your plunk ,and replacing solved the problem,here working version of your plunk.