I want to create unit test to ensure that assembly's config has correct value for some key.
Assembly declares it's config like this:
- (id)config
return [TyphoonDefinition configDefinitionWithName:@"SomeConfigFile.plist"];
and sets some objects' properties like this:
[initializer injectParameterWith:TyphoonConfig(@"some.config.key")];
And I want to check that assembly does so with correct key, i. e. like this (pseudocode):
assertEquals([myAssembly configValueForKey:@"some.config.key"], @"correct key value");
How to achieve this?
We recommend that you create integration tests for your object, after it is emitted from Typhoon. One of these tests will be that the object is in the required initial state:
@implementation MyTestCase
TyphoonBlockComponentFactory *_factory;
- (void)setUp
//Recommend putting this in a common place, so main test assembly only has to be set up once
_factory = [[TyphoonBlockComponentFactory alloc] initWithAssemblies:@[
[ApplicationAssembly assembly],
[CoreComponents assembly],
[PersistenceComponents assembly],
[NetworkComponents assembly]
TyphoonConfigPostProcessor *postProcessor = [[TyphoonConfigPostProcessor alloc] init];
[postProcessor useResourceWithName:@"Config.plist"];
[factory attachPostProcessor:postProcessor];
//Assuming a classroom configured with a teacher count from Config.plist
- (void)test_classroom_should_initially_have_one_teacher
CoreComponents *components = [factory asAssembly];
ClassRoom *classRoom = [factory classroom];
XCTAssertEquals(1, classroom.numberOfTeachers);
. . . from here you can go on and write other integration tests for your component.
Integration Testing Guide: