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angularjs restangular not getting data

I am trying to get restangular working. In my API (with the end point /user) I get this json response:

"error": false,
"response": {
    "totalcount": 2,
    "records": [{
        "id": "1",
        "groupId": "14",
        "fullName": "Mark Smith ",
    }, {
        "id": "2",
        "groupId": "14",
        "fullName": "Joe Andrews",


I am using this in my service:

$scope.projects = Restangular.all('user').getList();

This is the html:

 <li ng-repeat="project in projects>  
     {{project.groupId}} {{project.fullName}} 

I am not getting any data.

How can I access the data in the response:{totalcount:2, records: [{...}] and the data in the records:[{...}]?

My kung-fu is not enough to make it work.

Any ideas on what am I doing wrong?


  • It looks like you have your actual response wrapped. In that case you'll want to look at this part of the documentation: Restangular Wrapped Response. You'll need to use the addResponseInterceptor to make sure it returns the right data.