I am trying to run my app on my tablet which is 8" device and on my phone which is 5.2" device, I want the layout to be displayed properly on both devices, so I read that I should create 2 different folders: layout-large and layout-xlarge. The 8" device should take the layout from layout-xlarge folder and the 5.2" device should take the layout from layout-large folder. So I put the activity_main.xml on both folders and run it on the 8" device, I don't know why but it doesn't show take the layout from the layout-xlarge folder as it should, instead I see the layout from the layout-large folder.
Tried to figure it out but I don't find much info about that problem.
any help would be appreciated, thank you.
Look at using size quantifiers for tablets instead of the old "small", "normal", "large" property names. They give you more control over which layouts get shown to which device.