That following resource has a "foaf:name" field which has two values:
Why then does this query return no results on
select ?article
?article foaf:name "Ulugh Beg"
The value you see on is an HTML rendering, and it doesn't always perfectly reflect the underlying RDF data. If you scroll to the bottom of that page, there are some Raw Data links where you can browse the data in actual RDF formats. For instance, if you grab the N3/Turtle version, you'll see
dc:description "Timurid ruler"@en , "Timurid ruler" ;
foaf:givenName "Ulugh"@en ;
foaf:name "Beg, Ulugh"@en , "Ulugh Beg"@en .
The name has the language tag en. If you want to query by name like this, you'll need to include that. For instance:
select ?person where {
?person foaf:name "Ulugh Beg"@en