I need to tokenize (' ','\n','\t' as delimiter) a text with somethink like
std::string text = "foo bar";
boost::iterator_range<std::string::iterator> r = some_func_i_dont_know(text);
Later I want to get output with:
for (auto i: result)
std::cout << "distance: " << std::distance(text.begin(), i.begin())
<< "\nvalue: " << i << '\n';
What produces with example above:
distance: 0
value: foo
distance: 6
value: bar
Thanks for any help.
I would not use the ancient Tokenizer here. Just use String Algorithm's split
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <iostream>
using namespace boost;
int main()
std::string text = "foo bar";
boost::iterator_range<std::string::iterator> r(text.begin(), text.end());
std::vector<iterator_range<std::string::const_iterator> > result;
algorithm::split(result, r, is_any_of(" \n\t"), algorithm::token_compress_on);
for (auto i : result)
std::cout << "distance: " << distance(text.cbegin(), i.begin()) << ", "
<< "length: " << i.size() << ", "
<< "value: '" << i << "'\n";
distance: 0, length: 3, value: 'foo'
distance: 6, length: 3, value: 'bar'