I'm starting with Rails, and I'm trying to get used to RSpec writing some tests. In this particular example, I'm trying to test a class that performs calls to twitter api. As it has a small ad-hoc cache, I'm trying to test that the API is only called when it's necessary or that it returns the currect kind of object.
I'm using a Ruby Twitter client.
before do
@manager = TwitterService.new
@manager.client = double()
hash = JSON.parse('{"id":4}', :symbolize_names => true)
allow(@manager.client).to receive(:friends) { [Twitter::User.new(hash)] }
it 'returns a collection of friends' do
@result.each do |r|
expect(r).to be_a Twitter::User
As far as I've been able to see, no error or warnings are being thrown in execution, but when I run rspec I get:
/home/myuser/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.0/gems/activesupport-4.1.1/lib/active_support/core_ext/object/json.rb:48:in `as_json':
[DEPRECATION] #to_hash is deprecated. Use #to_h instead.
I don't even see where to_hash is being used. I guess that it can be internally used by JSON.parse but if that was true, I don't know how to change that. Even everything seems to work, these warnings affect heavily to tests readability.
Yes, probably your JSON.parse is using the as_json function internally, and it calls to_hash. On rails' source code it's actually like this:
class Object
def as_json(options = nil) #:nodoc:
if respond_to?(:to_hash)
I suppose you could monkeypatch that, if that's critical to you, and check rails' issues on github, to either follow how it's going or create one yourself.