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mql4 : coding empty buffer in line

so I make some coding and now have empty buffer I want to ask how to feel EMPTY_BUFFER so if use IF line == EMPTY BUFFER then FILL IT..i already try some coding but still not fill the empty buffer

#property strict
#property indicator_level1 75.0
#property indicator_level2 25.0
#property indicator_levelcolor LimeGreen
#property indicator_levelwidth 1
#property indicator_levelstyle 0

#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 5
#property indicator_color1 Green
#property indicator_color2 Red
#property indicator_color3 Blue
#property indicator_color4 Green
#property indicator_color5 Red

extern string howtouse= "scalping in m5";
extern string contact = "";
extern string created = "created by reza rahmad";
extern int       barsToProcess=100;
double ExtMapBuffer1[];
double ExtMapBuffer2[];
double ExtMapBuffer3[];
double buy[];
double sell[];
int values;
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()




// initialization of the generator of random numbers
   ObjectSetText("sig","TAHAN",10,"Times New Roman",Magenta);


   ObjectSetText("sig1","created by reza rahmad  scalping use in tf 5m",10,"Times New Roman",Magenta);

//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int deinit()

//|                                                                  |
int start()


   int counted_bars=IndicatorCounted(),




   for(int i=0;i<limit;i++)

  double main5   = iStochastic( NULL, PERIOD_M5, 14, 3, 3, MODE_SMMA, 0, MODE_MAIN,   i );
  double signal5 = iStochastic( NULL, PERIOD_M5, 14, 3, 3, MODE_SMMA, 0, MODE_SIGNAL, i );
  double ma20    = iMA(         NULL, PERIOD_M5, 20, 0,    MODE_SMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 0 );
  double ma5     = iMA(         NULL, PERIOD_M5,  5, 0,    MODE_SMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 0 );

  ExtMapBuffer1[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;
  ExtMapBuffer2[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;

  if (  main5   > signal5
     && High[0] > ma5
        ExtMapBuffer1[i] = ( ( Close[i+1] + Close[i] ) / 2 );
        values           = 1;
  if (  main5  < signal5
     && Low[0] < ma5
        ExtMapBuffer2[i] = ( ( Close[i+1] + Close[i] ) / 2 );
        values           = 2;

picture example

Picture Example


  • How to understand EMPTY_VALUE in MQL4 Custom Indicators?

    MQL4's convention is not to paint / show CustomIndicator-line-segments to/from Bars, where CustomIndicator-storageBuffer contains a specially recognised "Empty_Value" == { EMPTY_VALUE | a value pre-set via SetIndexEmptyValue() }.

    By default, "Empty_Value" is EMPTY_VALUE.

    The key step is this trick:

        if (  main5  < signal5
           && Low[0] < ma5
              ExtMapBuffer2[i]  = ( ( Close[i+1] + Close[i] ) / 2 ); // .CALC/.STO
              values            = MAIN_UNDER_SIGNAL;                 // .SET
              if (  values_PREV!= MAIN_UNDER_SIGNAL ){               // ? WAS A FLIP
                    values_PREV = MAIN_UNDER_SIGNAL;                 //   .SET
                    ExtMapBuffer3[i+1] = ExtMapBuffer1[i+1];         //   .STO[i+1]
                    ExtMapBuffer3[i  ] = ExtMapBuffer2[i  ];         //   .STO[i+0]

    The recommended changes in context of the New-MQL4 code are here:

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #property strict                                           // check this against OnCalculate() syntax requirement
    #property indicator_separate_window
    //roperty indicator_level1         75.0                    // N/A for aPriceDOMAIN line
    //roperty indicator_level2         25.0                    // N/A for aPriceDOMAIN line
    //roperty indicator_levelcolor     clrLimeGreen
    //roperty indicator_levelwidth      1
    //roperty indicator_levelstyle      0
    //roperty indicator_buffers         5                      // not used
    #property indicator_buffers         3
    #property indicator_color1         clrGreen
    #property indicator_color2         clrRed
    #property indicator_color3         clrDimGray
    /*roperty indicator_color4         Green                   // not used
    #property indicator_color5         Red                     // not used
    #property description         "Scalping in M5 Custom Indicator......................"
    #property description         "How to use it ......................................."
    #property description         "How to setup ........................................"
    extern string howtouse      = "scalping in M5";            // "New"-MQL4 shows comments in dialog box
    extern string contact       = "";    // Contact Email
    extern string created       = "created by reza rahmad";    // copyright notice
    extern int    barsToProcess = 100;                         // Bars To Process ( Depth )
           double ExtMapBuffer1[],
           double buy[];
           double sell[];
           int    values,
                  values_PREV = EMPTY;                         // <STATE-FULL>-logic
    #define       MAIN_ABOVE_SIGNAL   1
    #define       MAIN_UNDER_SIGNAL   2
    //| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
    int OnInit() {
        IndicatorShortName( "SigREZ( " + DoubleToStr( barsToProcess, 0 ) + " )");
        IndicatorDigits(    Digits + 1 );                      // override default decimal points
                                                               // to be distinguishable once AVG(Close1,Close0) values are calculated 
        SetIndexStyle(      0, DRAW_LINE );                    // MAIN_ABOVE_SIGNAL
        SetIndexBuffer(     0, ExtMapBuffer1 );                // segments for values == 1
        SetIndexDrawBegin(  0, barsToProcess );
        SetIndexStyle(      1, DRAW_LINE );                    // MAIN_UNDER_SIGNAL
        SetIndexBuffer(     1, ExtMapBuffer2 );                // segments for values == 2
        SetIndexDrawBegin(  1, barsToProcess );
        SetIndexStyle(      2, DRAW_LINE );                    // EMPTY_SEGMENTs
        SetIndexBuffer(     2, ExtMapBuffer3 );
        SetIndexDrawBegin(  2, barsToProcess );
        SetIndexStyle(      3, DRAW_NONE );                    // not used
        SetIndexBuffer(     3, buy );
        SetIndexEmptyValue( 3, 0.0 );
        SetIndexStyle(      4, DRAW_ARROW, EMPTY, 3, Magenta );
        SetIndexArrow(      4, 234 );
        SetIndexBuffer(     4, sell );
        SetIndexEmptyValue( 4, 0.0 );
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // initialization of the generator of random numbers
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        ObjectCreate(  "sig", OBJ_TEXT, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
        ObjectSetText( "sig", "TAHAN", 10, "Times New Roman", Magenta );
        ObjectCreate(  "sig1", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
        ObjectSet(     "sig1", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 750 );
        ObjectSet(     "sig1", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE,  20 );
        ObjectSetText( "sig1", "created by reza rahmad  scalping use in tf 5m", 10, "Times New Roman", Magenta );
    //| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
    int deinit() {
        ObjectDelete( "tare" );
        ObjectDelete( "tarmid" );
        ObjectDelete( "tare1" );
        ObjectDelete( "sig" );
        ObjectDelete( "sig1" );
    //|                                                                  |
    int start() {
        int      limit        = Bars,
                 counted_bars = IndicatorCounted();
        if (     counted_bars > 0 ) counted_bars--;
        limit -= counted_bars;
        if (  limit > barsToProcess ) limit = barsToProcess;
        for (  int i = 0; i < limit; i++ ) {
               double main5   = iStochastic( NULL, PERIOD_M5, 14, 3, 3, MODE_SMMA, 0, MODE_MAIN,   i );
               double signal5 = iStochastic( NULL, PERIOD_M5, 14, 3, 3, MODE_SMMA, 0, MODE_SIGNAL, i );
               double ma20    = iMA(         NULL, PERIOD_M5, 20, 0,    MODE_SMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 0 );
               double ma5     = iMA(         NULL, PERIOD_M5,  5, 0,    MODE_SMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 0 );
               if (  main5   > signal5
                  && High[0] > ma5
                     ExtMapBuffer1[i]  = ( ( Close[i+1] + Close[i] ) / 2 ); // .CALC/.STO
                     values            = MAIN_ABOVE_SIGNAL;                 // .SET
                     if (  values_PREV!= MAIN_ABOVE_SIGNAL ){               // ? WAS A FLIP
                           values_PREV = MAIN_ABOVE_SIGNAL;                 //   .SET
                           ExtMapBuffer3[i+1] = ExtMapBuffer2[i+1];         //   .STO[i+1]
                           ExtMapBuffer3[i  ] = ExtMapBuffer1[i  ];         //   .STO[i+0]
               if (  main5  < signal5
                  && Low[0] < ma5
                     ExtMapBuffer2[i]  = ( ( Close[i+1] + Close[i] ) / 2 ); // .CALC/.STO
                     values            = MAIN_UNDER_SIGNAL;                 // .SET
                     if (  values_PREV!= MAIN_UNDER_SIGNAL ){               // ? WAS A FLIP
                           values_PREV = MAIN_UNDER_SIGNAL;                 //   .SET
                           ExtMapBuffer3[i+1] = ExtMapBuffer1[i+1];         //   .STO[i+1]
                           ExtMapBuffer3[i  ] = ExtMapBuffer2[i  ];         //   .STO[i+0]

    Tool for a safer MQL4 integration Interface between EA & Custom Indicator

    Due to the nature of the iCustom() syntax and ordering of the parameters, it is much safer to create a copy/paste-interface-template as a header-section for an EA, right during the Custom Indicator design phase, that will prepare all relevant details for a safe-call-API contract ( irrespective how weak it technically is )

    This template-tool avoids countless troubles and loss of productivity on debugging a syntactically feasible, however wrong calls of iCustom() due to passing wrong, ill-mixed parameters ( a missing-one / a wrong-value / a wrong-order / ... )

                                                    // ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
                                                    // COPY/PASTE.START
                                                    // ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
                                                    // CALL-er SIDE INTERFACE |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
                                                    // #define sIndicatorPathNAME             "#AliceInTheWonderlands_msMOD_0.00"
                                                    // //_____________________________________INPUT(s)
                                                    // // NONE                             // n/a
                                                    // //_____________________________________OUTPUT(s):
                                                    // #define iOutputDoubleOpenBUFFER     0
                                                    // #define iOutputDoubleHighBUFFER     1
                                                    // #define iOutputDoubleLowBUFFER      2
                                                    // #define iOutputDoubleCloseBUFFER    3
                                                    // #define iOutputDoubleVolumeBUFFER   4
                                                    // #define iOutputDoubleTimeBUFFER     5
                                                    //                            double  iCustom(  _Symbol,                      // string       symbol,           // symbol:                                                 Symbol name on the data of which the indicator will be calculated. NULL means the current symbol.
                                                    //                                              PERIOD_CURRENT,               // int          timeframe,        // timeframe
                                                    //                                              sIndicatorPathNAME,           // string       name,             // path/name of the custom indicator compiled program:     Custom indicator compiled program name, relative to the root indicators directory (MQL4/Indicators/). If the indicator is located in subdirectory, for example, in MQL4/Indicators/Examples, its name must be specified as "Examples\\indicator_name" (double backslash "\\"must be specified as separator instead of a single one).
                                                    //                                              <<N/A>>,                      // ...[1]       ...,              // custom indicator [1]-st  input parameters (if necessary)
                                                    //                                                                            // ...[2+]                        // custom indicator further input parameters (if necessary)
                                                    //                                              <iOutputDouble*BUFFER>,       // int          mode,             // line index:                                             Line index. Can be from 0 to 7 and must correspond with the index, specified in call of the SetIndexBuffer() function.
                                                    //                                              i                             // int          bar_shift         // shift
                                                    //                                              );
                                                    // ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
                                                    // COPY/PASTE.END
                                                    // ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

    The remaining gaps result from code-design. The demonstrated approach with using triple-buffer-ed line construction fully covered the Question asked.

    The remaining issue is related with business-logic algorithmisation, that was coded by O/P in a form of independent, serial-sequence of if(){...}-constructors, that are simply not able of proper handling all the existing Tri-State-FSA transitions.
