I want to develop a scenario: when i click on listview item youtube video should start playing. Listview content is fetched from JSON. JSON object has title, description and youtube url. This youtube url should initiate the youtube player. I tried few tutorials from the internet but the problem is: when youtube video is playing in portrait mode, blank white screen is displayed below the video view. I want to display the next videos thumbnails as listview there. Can any one suggest me how to do this?...
Create an explicit intent and set the url as an extra for the intent. You can find more information about intents here: https://developer.android.com/guide/components/intents-filters.html You can also checkout this link for intents specific to the Youtube app https://developers.google.com/youtube/android/player/reference/com/google/android/youtube/player/YouTubeIntents
In the future, do a google search before posting questions on stackoverflow. You need to show that you have done your own research before asking such vague questions on here.