I use a Tcl script to pull from several API's and all of a sudden some API's stopped working. eg:
set data [http_call_get https://api.vineapp.com/timelines/popular?page=1&anchor=1]
responds with the error:
SSL Channel "sock624": error: sslv3 alert handshake failure
It's odd that two of the five API's from different sites stopped working within an hour or each other so I feel that something changed with the compatibility of the tls1.6.3.1 tcl package which binding with "::http::register https 443 ::tls::socket"
I've tried on three different machines (2 x Windows and a ubuntu box).
The sites you are attempting to connect to have probably disabled sslv3 due to the poodle vulnerability.
I would guess your tcl script needs to use TLS instead.