I am a startbie for this antlr 3.5. I understood that left recursion is accepted in ant;r 4.0 and not in 3.5, I am getting ambigious error warning for my grammar . I am just verifying my email using this grammar, can some one fix this grammar
grammar HelloWorld;
// antlr will generate java lexer and parser
language = Java;
// generated parser should create abstract syntax tree
output = AST;
backtrack = true;
//as the generated lexer will reside in com.nuwaza.aqua.antlr
//package, we have to add package declaration on top of it
@lexer::header {
package com.nuwaza.aqua.antlr;
//as the generated parser will reside in org.meri.antlr_step_by_step.parsers
//package, we have to add package declaration on top of it
@parser::header {
package com.nuwaza.aqua.antlr;
// ***************** parser rules:
//our grammar accepts only salutation followed by an end symbol
expression : EmailId At Domain Dot Web EOF;
// ***************** lexer rules:
//the grammar must contain at least one lexer rule
EmailId: (Domain)+;
At : '@';
Dot: DotOperator;
' '
| '\t'
| '\r'
| '\n'
| '\u000C'
| 'A'..'Z'
| '_'
| 'A'..'Z'
| '_'
| Digit
fragment DotOperator:'.';
I assume that your problem is in your rule: Identifier
. If I were you, I would do something like:
Identifier : ID (ID |Digit)*;
fragment ID : ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '_');
I hope this would help you. ;)