For debug purpose, I would like to be able to clone a PDOStatement, or fetch data without removing the rows from the statement.
Here's an example to show what I'm trying to do :
public function execute($query)
// Prepare the statement
if (!($stmt = $this->prepare($query))) {
return false;
// Execute the statement
// Print the query with a custom debug tool
if( $config->debug ) {
// Return the PDOStatement
return $stmt;
The problem is that fetchAll()
do its job, remove every result from my statement, and an empty array is returned by the function.
I'm searching a way to print the query result (debug purpose) and return the initial statement (treatments purpose), without querying my database twice !
I tried to clone my statement, without success :
if( $config->debug ) {
$_stmt = clone $stmt;
Any idea ?
PDOStatement is not cloneable.
The only way to achieve what I wanted was to re-execute the statement:
public function execute($query)
// Prepare the statement
if (!($stmt = $this->prepare($query))) {
return false;
// Execute the statement
// Print the query with a custom debug tool
if( $config->debug ) {
// Return the PDOStatement
return $stmt;