I let the user pick 5 points on two images, which are not the same size (maybe that's the problem).
As the user picks a point on whichever image, I'm pushing that Point2f
a vector dedicated to that particular image.
So in one instance I have the following data:
1. Image 2 at x: 607, and y: 286
2. Image 2 at x: 750, and y: 367
3. Image 2 at x: 527, and y: 353
4. Image 2 at x: 752, and y: 469
5. Image 2 at x: 584, and y: 482
1. Image 1 at x: 301, and y: 343
2. Image 1 at x: 440, and y: 328
3. Image 1 at x: 275, and y: 472
4. Image 1 at x: 478, and y: 457
5. Image 1 at x: 389, and y: 597
However findHomohraphy
[0, 0, 0;
0, 0, 0;
0, 0, 0]
This is what my function does once it gets a hold of 2 vectors with 4 points.
Mat tranform( std::vector<cv::Point2f> src, std::vector<cv::Point2f> dst) {
transMatrix = findHomography(src, dst, CV_RANSAC);
std::cout << transMatrix << std::endl;
return transMatrix;
I also tried changing the method argument of findHomohraphy from 0
I'm debugging a bit further, and I'm having trouble printing the Point2f
vector. Maybe I'm not assigning it correctly
This is what I'm currently doing in an image window callback function.
imgOnePoints.assign(imgOneIndex, Point2f(x,y));
Turns out i really wasn't assigning the vector correctly
I fixed it by implemented assignment using push_back
Now I'm getting the following result
[9.160730442076495, -1.849442562331516, -180.7111392985398;
4.977742556341154, 2.013216209765684, -1267.475935610038;
0.007750660030394876, -0.0003148605099947704, 0.9999999999999999]