I'm developing a module in JSF 2.2 and socialauth, it contains users authentication through external oAuth providers like Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Foursquare, MySpace. I found a sample code for Facebook login and adapted to my app.
public void socialConnect() throws Exception {
// Put your keys and secrets from the providers here
Properties props = System.getProperties();
props.put("graph.facebook.com.consumer_key", FACEBOOK_APP_ID);
props.put("graph.facebook.com.consumer_secret", FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET);
// Define your custom permission if needed
props.put("graph.facebook.com.custom_permissions", publish_stream,email,user_birthday,user_location,offline_access");
// Initiate required components
SocialAuthConfig config = SocialAuthConfig.getDefault();
manager = new SocialAuthManager();
// 'successURL' is the page you'll be redirected to on successful login
ExternalContext externalContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext();
String successURL =baseURL+"/socialLoginSuccess.xhtml";
String authenticationURL = manager.getAuthenticationUrl(providerID, successURL);
It works for Facebook but when I try for Twitter or Google I don't know properties , just know API KEY,API SECRET keys. When I tried with no properties for Twitter and Google, I got this error
org.brickred.socialauth.exception.SocialAuthException: twitter is not a provider or valid OpenId URL
I found this code in AuthProviderFactory.java
domainMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
domainMap.put("google", "www.google.com");
domainMap.put("yahoo", "api.login.yahoo.com");
domainMap.put("twitter", "twitter.com");
domainMap.put("facebook", "graph.facebook.com");
domainMap.put("hotmail", "consent.live.com");
domainMap.put("linkedin", "api.linkedin.com");
domainMap.put("foursquare", "foursquare.com");
domainMap.put("myspace", "api.myspace.com");
For these definitons, properties was added to Twitter connection
Properties props = System.getProperties();
props.put("twitter.com.consumer_key", TWITTER_APP_KEY);
props.put("twitter.com.consumer_secret", TWITTER_APP_SECRET);
It works fine specified domains.Thanks JavaBeigner for replys