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how to limit the records to display under <h:selectManyCheckbox>

I would like to limit the no of record to be displayed under .

Here is the code snippet.

//Filter Class used to display checkboxes

class Filter {
 public String filterValueName;

// Fields declared under BEAN

public List<String> filterValuesChecked;
public List<Filter> filterValues;

// XHTML to iterate over list

<h:selectManyCheckbox value="#{fltrResult.filterValuesChecked}" layout="pageDirection" >
    <f:selectItems value="#{fltrResult.filterValues}" var="fltrVal"
        itemValue="#{fltrVal.filterValueName}" />

Above code is working very well, but here issue is List filterValues contains 1000 records, and I want to display only 5-10 checkboxes and after that Link to visualize whole list.

I had wasted so much time on google to find out the solution but didn't get it. Please provide the way how can I achieve the same

Thanks in Advance, Chirag


  • Try this:

    In the Bean:

    private final int MAXNUMBER = 10; // e.g.
    public List<String> filterValuesChecked;
    public List<Filter> filterValues;
    // With a fixed limit:
    public List<Filter> getRestrictedFilterValues(){
        return this.filterValues.subList(0, MAXNUMBER);
    // With a dynamic limit:
    public List<Filter> getRestrictedFilterValues(int maximum){
        return this.filterValues.subList(0, maximum);

    In the xhtml:

    <h:selectManyCheckbox value="#{fltrResult.filterValuesChecked}" layout="pageDirection">
    <f:selectItems value="#{fltrResult.getRestrictedFilterValues()}" var="fltrVal"
        itemValue="#{fltrVal.filterValueName}" />

    Of cause, you can use any select-algorithm in the getRestrictedFilterValues-Method.

    Addition: Consider the usage of a (custom) converter in this cases, so you don't have to handle with Strings but can directly get Filter-Objects as result (=> public List<Filter> filterValuesChecked;). See