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Strange behaviour with TabControl in WPF on SelectionChanged

I made a TabControl and three TabItems inside. My Code looks as follows:


<TabControl Name="ConfigTabs" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" SelectionChanged="TabControlSelectionChanged">
  <TabItem Header="Allgemeines">
  <TabItem Header="Monitorbelegung">
  <TabItem Header="Produkt-Konfigurationen">

C# (Code-Behind):

private void TabControlSelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
  if (e.Source is TabControl && this.IsLoaded)
    TabControl MyTabControl = (TabControl)sender;
    if (MyTabControl.SelectedIndex == 0)
    else if (MyTabControl.SelectedIndex == 1)
    else if (MyTabControl.SelectedIndex == 2)

When I change the TabItem, a MessageBox with the Text pops up, as intended. BUT when I now click another Item I get the MessageBox of the next Item AND afterwards a MessageBox of the past one. Where I am not completly sure of the logic behind that. When I delete the MessageBoxes everything works fine, but I need them, because of some logic I want to implement at a later time.

The Question would be now "How can I prevend the event from firing twice?";


  • Ok, I found it. The MessageBox interrupts the change-event, so we have to use some other way. When you use a style, you can catch the change-event of the TabItems:


        <TabControl Name="ConfigTabs" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top">
                <Style TargetType="TabItem">
                    <EventSetter Event="Selector.Selected" Handler="OnNewTabSelected"/>
            <TabItem Header="Allgemeines">
            <TabItem Header="Monitorbelegung">
            <TabItem Header="Produkt-Konfigurationen">

    C# (Code-Behind):

        private void OnNewTabSelected(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (e.Source is TabItem && this.IsLoaded)
                TabItem MyTab = (TabItem)sender;
                TabControl MyControl = (TabControl)MyTab.Parent;
                if (MyControl.SelectedIndex == 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("Beep" + MyControl.SelectedIndex);
                else if (MyControl.SelectedIndex == 1)
                    MessageBox.Show("Beep" + MyControl.SelectedIndex);
                else if (MyControl.SelectedIndex == 2)
                    MessageBox.Show("Beep" + MyControl.SelectedIndex);