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Bugzilla: Software error: Cannot determine local time zone

I just finished installing BugZilla however I am not being prompted to setup and admin account. The database indicates there is a user created with the email [email protected] so I am trying to reset the password. When I try to reset the password I get the following error:

Software error:

Cannot determine local time zone

The timezone is set:

$ dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

Current default time zone: 'America/New_York'
Local time is now:      Tue Oct 14 21:14:12 EDT 2014.
Universal Time is now:  Wed Oct 15 01:14:12 UTC 2014.

I cannot follow instructions like these as I do not have access to the admin panel as of yet, as I don't have access because of not having an admin account. What should I do?


  • I just did a sudo cpan DateTime::TimeZone and that fixed the issue.