Pyramid-Ptah does not suck, as web frameworks go. It carefully throws away the worst of all the old-school libraries that it imports, and it solves model-view-controller as elegantly as RoR or Django.
Now let's TDD that the
contains the correct HTML, per any recent vandalism by us. We will add "Rumble Monkey" to
, and assert we can see it in some generated HTML.
To run the Home
page, for example,
need merely issue these lines:
config.add_route('home', '/')
And where is 'home' going? and how to test it?
Here's HomepageView
renderer=player.layout('', 'content'))
class HomepageView(object):
def __init__(self, request):
self.request = request
def __call__(self):
return {}
The route names are both home
, so HomepageView
tests it.
Next, how to test HomepageView
? How to render it the same way the server would.
In Django, we'd use the Client()
mock-server object:
def test_index(self):
resp = self.client.get('/')
self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
So, how to render a input URI and get a response.content, as a string, under test, in Ptah-land?
The documentation of Pyramid suggests using webtest for functional tests.
The example from the docs:
import unittest
class FunctionalTests(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
from myapp import main
app = main({})
from webtest import TestApp
self.testapp = TestApp(app)
def test_root(self):
res = self.testapp.get('/', status=200)
self.assertTrue('Pyramid' in res.body)
assert 'Rumble Monkey' == res.lxml.xpath('head/title')[0].text
I (the OP) got that working with this tweak:
def setUp(self):
from app import main
global_config = {
'__file__': '...blah/blah/blah/settings.ini',
'here': '..blah/blah/myapp'}
settings = {
'pyramid.includes': '\npyramid_debugtoolbar',
'sqlalchemy.url': 'sqlite:///db.sqlite',
'pyramid.debug_authorization': 'false',
'pyramid.default_locale_name': 'en',
'pyramid.reload_templates': 'true',
'pyramid.debug_notfound': 'false',
'pyramid.debug_templates': 'true',
'pyramid.debug_routematch': 'false',
'ptah.site_title': 'Rumble Monkey'}
zapp = main(global_config, **settings)
from webtest import TestApp
self.testapp = TestApp(zapp)
I naturally don't know how many of those settings I can take out (or why I had to read the settings.ini
file for the app). And I will naturally replace the blah/blah/blah
with some os.path.dirname(__file__)