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How to use NSSM

This is probably glaringly obvious, but how do I "install" NSSM? according to the docs, I don't need to. If I wanted to use the GUI, I know that works (I've tested that) but when using cmd prompt or a batch file, it can't find it.

I know that the docs say "...preferably somewhere in your PATH", but I'm not sure where that would be. (neither of the "program files" folders work.)


  • Place the nssm.exe file in a folder, which is already on your PATH variable

    Use echo %PATH% or set PATH on the CLI to find out the folders.


    Place into C:\Programs\nssm and then add this folder to your PATH env variable:

    setx PATH "%PATH%;C:\Programs\nssm" /M

    For usage, consult the manual: CLI and GUI