Is there a way to find the index of an item of an array of pointers ?
The code is like this:
TArrayItem = record
Field1: string;
Field2: integer;
Field3: boolean;
MyItem: TArrayItem;
MyArray: array[1..100] of TArrayItem;
Let's say I take an item from the array (MyItem:=MyArray[20];
). After this I sort the array and the item locations are changed; Now, how can I find the new index of MyItem
You don't have an array of pointers. Unlike a class
, which is a reference type, a record
is a value type. The way you have declared the array, the item data is copied whenever you do an assignment. So hen you assign an array item to MyItem
, you are making a copy of that item's data, you are not obtaining a pointer to the original item.
In any case, whether you have an array of items or an array of pointers to items, the answer is the same: the only way to find an item in an array is to loop through the array manually, eg:
MyItem: TArrayItem;
MyArray: array[1..100] of TArrayItem;
I: Integer;
MyItem := MyArray[20];
// sort the array...
for I := Low(MyArray) to High(MyArray) do
if (MyArray[I].Field1 = MyItem.Field1) and
(MyArray[I].Field2 = MyItem.Field2) and
(MyArray[I].Field3 = MyItem.Field3) then
// item was found at index I...
Otherwise, dynamically allocate your items on the heap and store their pointers in a TList
or TList<T>
, as they expose IndexOf()
methods. And sorting would be faster since you are only moving pointers around, not complete copies of data.