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Magento: Transactional emails. How add an image from a custom template

I've created in my webpage a custom theme ('mytheme') and I'd like to add to a transactional email an image from this template (.../skin/frontend/mytheme/default/images/myimage.png)

I've tried some options but anyone works:

<div sytle="background: {{skin url="images/myimage.png" _area="frontend"}}"></div>

<div sytle="background: {{skin url="images/myimage.png" _area="frontend" _theme="mytheme"}}"></div>

<div sytle="background: {{skin url="images/myimage.png" _area="frontend" _theme="mytheme" _package="default"}}"></div>


  • In this case _package would be mytheme

    <div sytle="background: {{skin url="images/myimage.png" _area="frontend" _theme="default" _package="mytheme"}}"></div>  

    Also verify that the image is there otherwise magento will fallback to the default package