I am working on an application, that is intended for Android wear devices only. I know Google play doesn't support apps that only run on wearable devices (not on handhelds), but this application is for internal purposes only.
I know these
1) I can install directly to wearable devices from eclipse/studio during debugging, just like I do it on handhelds
2) I can use adb command to install directly to wearable device.
But I have created a signed apk of the application, and I want to sent this build to client, who is not a developer and above 2 methods doesn't work. If I sent the apk to him by mail, is there any easy way for him to install it on his wearable?
Note : If it required, consider that client had a handheld device that can sync with this wearable.
You have to build the mobile-signed-apk.
It will contain also the wear-apk. You can send the mobile-signed-apk to your client /by email for example) and he has to install this apk in his handheld device as a normal apk.
When the handheld app will connect with the wear, it will install/update the wear-apk on the wearable device.