I have a lot of lines like this:
{ id: 22, name: 'Alice', score: 123, city: 'Atlanta', birthday: '1981/12/03'},
I want to use a VI (gvim to be exact) search and replace and empty the last two sets of single quotes.
If you want to use search and replace, you can do this:
:%s/city: '.\{-}'/city: ''
and the same for the birthday field
:%s/birthday: '.\{-}'/birthday: ''
the "\{-}" is the same as "*" but uses de shortest match first algorithm. (see :help non-greedy)
if you really like do this in a single command:
%s/\(city:\|birthday:\) '.\{-}'/\1 ''/g
"city:" and "birthday:" are matched as a sub-expression with the \( and \), then you can use the \1 (means the first sub-expression) in the substitute string, the end g option is needed to make more than one substitution in a single line.