In university we started learning TASM assembly language. The point is, I need help because I'm completely lost on my assignment. I need to scan a number from keyboard and print fibonacci's n-number. Example: you type in 6, program prints out 8.
Here's my unfinished code:
.model small
.stack 100h
number db 255
mov dx, @data
mov ds, dx
mov al, 0
mov bl, 1
mov ah, 0Ah
mov dx, offset number
mov cx, dx;
int 21h
add al, bl
mov dl, al
mov al, bl
mov bl, dl
loop .fibonacci
int 21h
mov ah, 9
mov dx, dl
int 21h
end start
After this, I just don't know what should I do or if there are any mistakes made. Could anyone give me advice what I need to do next?
Here is a PDF manual with some code examples needed to implement user input and output.
Below is a snippet of untested code to give you an idea of how to calculate a Fibonacci sequence without recursion.
mov cx, 6
mov ax, 0 ;a = 0
mov bx, 1 ;b = 1
mov dx, ax
add dx, bx ;sum = a + b
mov ax, bx ;a = b
mov bx, dx ;b = sum
loop fib
Take note that you will have to set the Count register (CX) to the given user input.
Also keep in mind that you are using 32 bit registers, so the biggest Fibonacci number you will be able to store in the register is 46th.